Gloria Hotel and Resort is the summer family resort of choice for many of our clients, including our own staff. When Danny’s family chose to return, this time accompanied by his partner Jo’s family, he asked her children to record their first impressions. Over to the kids…
“Oh my word ! Turkey was amazing.
It wasn’t the most fun going through all the airport security but it was my longest time flying – FOUR HOURS!
When we arrived in Turkey (Antalya), we had our very own minibus all the way to the Gloria Resort – although it was late at night it was still warm. I didn’t sleep because I was too excited.
We were in the family suites at Gloria Golf. Matty and I shared a room together with Mum and Danny and my brothers had the next door apartment with Nanma and Jet.
I loved our apartment, especially the mini fridge with the chocolate milk in.

All the food was brilliant. My favourite was the spaghetti bolognaise at the Gloria Pub, the raspberry cheesecake at the Galleon and at breakfast I loved the pancakes and crepes.
Nanma’s birthday happened whilst we were on holiday so we dressed up and went on Gloria’s own bus for a massive Chinese meal at the Gloria Verde which was scrumdiddlyumptious.
We went to the water park every day, making sure we visited the Patisserie too.
My favourite thing to do was jumping in to the sea from the jetty, we were all scared at first to jump off the highest platform but once we did it we loved it. Mum got some brilliant photos!
I loved having Mocktails, there was one called Cinderella with pineapple and orange juice and grenadine.
In the pool we had Terence the Flamingo (we also spotted his brother) and we played a fun quiz game where if you got the answer wrong you get pushed in by Danny and didn’t know it was coming.
I was sad when it was time to go home but it was one of the best holidays ever and I hope we can do it again one day.”
- Sasha (aged 9)

“We really enjoyed jumping off the pier into the sun, going down the different slides really quickly and swimming in the pools and the warm sea. The different fish were cool to look at and follow underneath the jetty.
To get to different places was really easy as there were lots of signs and we could get a golf buggy to pick us up.
We all really enjoyed the food too and sometimes we went back for seconds and thirds as it was all inclusive. There was a range of things to eat from different places, including the buffet, the galleon and a chinese restaurant at Verde.
The gym was also great as there was lots to do, from weights and the treadmill to a cross trainer and a rowing machine. Overall I had a fantastic time and it was a perfect first trip to Turkey!”
- Ben (13)

“Turkey was amazing, I loved it.
As we arrived at 12pm Turkish time we were given a midnight feast, which was really good as we were all starving from the flight.
What I loved the most was the food at the buffet, there was something different to try every day, which was brilliant as I love my food! My favourite was the fish day as there was so much to choose from. Our star waiter at the restaurant, Bulent, was great as he helped us in any way he could.
There is a huge range of things to do, which meant we could try something new every day. Going to the beach and the pier was my favourite because you could do endless things there.

My brother, Jet, and I all stayed in our own little room, which meant we could do what we wanted.
There was also a huge range of slides to go on, the best one was the cauldron slide where it spun you around until you dropped down into the middle.
The day we went to Gloria Verdi resort for a delicious Chinese meal, Danny ordered so much duck that we were full before the main course arrived. We all went quackers mad!
The trip was incredible and I’d love to go again!”
- Toby 14