Abbotts Travel has always been my go-to travel agent, ever since first booking a business trip with them way back in 1996. Since then, countless flights and holidays later, they are practically the only travel agent I have used in over 25 years. I love them.
Travel agents seemed to fall out of favour over the years with the advent of booking flights and hotels online, but I can honestly say, either they come up with better value offerings, or simply routes and destinations I would never have thought of, followed up by expertise and experience that at times has been invaluable and saved my bacon on more than a few occasions. Things don't always go to plan and Abbots Travel has always been there for us.
You may be surprised that even when booking the simplest of trips, Abbotts often have the best option to hand. Take the hassle and stress out of booking online!
Robert Borley
5 star review on Google Reviews