Yasmin Ulusoy

Having just finished sixth form, my love for travels has brought me to work at Abbotts Travel as Admin Assistant. I love exploring different countries and their cultures. I'd love to visit Thailand and Ibiza as featured in travel blogs on our website.
Where I’ve Been
I've been to various countries - both long and short-haul stays from as far as Mexico and Egypt to Turkey, Cyprus and Tenerife. I'd love to travel to Australia to experience the different lifestyle out there.
Favourite Places
I have loved all the places I’ve visited, but Mexico is my favourite place by far as it is a beautiful country with amazing beaches and delicious food. The sombreros and tacos have a special place in my heart!
Best Travel Experience?
My best travel experience would definitely be swimming with dolphins in Mexico. It is an unbelievable experience.
Your One Luxury When You Travel?
My one luxury when I travel would be a good book. You can read on the plane, in your hotel room, on the beach, by the pool, anywhere!
Best Piece of Travel Advice?
Take a printed itinerary with all your documents - luckily Abbotts Travel can provide you with one.