Need a plumber? Reliable home security? A builder? Maybe you want to learn how to play golf or get your MacBook fixed.
Business Network International (BNI) is the biggest and most successful local business network in the world and now we have a sparkly new badge of membership to its Redbridge chapter, B4B, Europe’s largest local group with 90 members, each representing high quality companies in different sectors of business and trade, working together and supporting each other.
They were on the lookout for a new travel agent and as London’s top agent for the second year running, committee member Andrew Fox of Planet Leasing (pictured above with Danny) knew we would be a fantastic fit.
We feel privileged to have joined.
Several colleagues, family and friends have already made use of services from other members and we are happy to refer our clients in need of reliable, trusted and recommended assistance. Just ask.
We will introduce some of our favourites to you via our newsletter and social media channels.
If your business or company is keen to develop and increase your awareness please do contact Danny.